Friday, October 14, 2011

No one hinders what He decreed.

No one hinders what He decreed.
  • Explanation: This is understood from the hadith of Thawban related by Muslim in which he said: <<The Messenger of Allah said Allah said: 'If I decree a matter it cannot be hindered'.>>

    This Qudsiyy hadith clearly states that no one stops the fulfillment of the will of Allah. This is a proof to the invalidity of what some people say that Allah wanted to create a certain being as a male but instead He created him as a female. Also it is a proof to the invalidity of the conviction that Allah changes His will if a person makes a supplication to Him or pays a charity from a halal source. These sayings and/or convictions are untrue and non-befitting to Allah, ta^ala.
No one prevents what He gives.
  • Explanation: The meaning of this statement appeared in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. Al-Bukhariyy and Muslim related that the Prophet used to say after each prayer: "No one is God except Allah, alone without a partner. To Him belong the Dominion and the praising, and He has the Power over everything. O Allah, no one prevents that which You gave, and no one gives that which You have prevented. To You, the richness of the rich does not benefit him but rather his obedience to You shall benefit him." If Allah, ta^ala, willed for a slave to be endowed with something, Allah enables him to acquire it. No one can stop that endowment from reaching him. At-Tirmidhiyy, among others, related this saying of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, from the route of ^Abdullah Ibn ^Abbas: <<If the creation gathered to benefit you with something that Allah did not decree for you, they would not be able to do so. And if they wanted to harm you with something that Allah did not decree for you, they would not be able to. The pens were lifted and the journals did dry out.>>

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