Friday, October 14, 2011

Chapter 3 Zakah on Dates, Raisins, and Staple Crops

Chapter 3 Zakah on Dates, Raisins, and Staple Crops
  The first quotum of dates, raisins, and staple crops is five (5) wasqs which are equivalent to three-hundred sa^s,1 according to the sa^ of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, whose measure is kept in al-Hijaz. Crops of the same type harvested in the same year are to be combined to check if a quotum is formed. Crops of different types are not required to be combined, like barley with wheat. Zakah is due upon:

1. The ripeness of the fruits i.e., when they are ready to be eaten; hence, no Zakah is due on unripe grapes or dates;
2. The hardening of the seeds of the crops.

The due Zakah is one-tenth of the harvest if one did not irrigate, and half of that if one irrigated at an expense. Proportionate Zakah is due upon what exceeds a quotum. No Zakah is due on what is less than a quotum. One can volunteer paying on what is less than a quotum, however.

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